Thursday, November 6, 2014

Oh, What A Tangeld Web She Weaves

I don’t like Rachelle.  I wanted to be as creative as I could while addressing her, but I just can’t.  I simply don’t like her.   I was thinking of approaching my thoughts on her by comparing her to Mr. Oz, the man Dorothy thought to be a great and powerful wizard only to discover a normal little man behind the curtains.  Rachelle Spector is that façade.   She would have you believe in things that are not true.  For one, her relationship with my father.  Yes, it’s true they are married, however, she volunteered for it when Dad’s first choice declined.  The purpose of the marriage was meant to create an image.  Why would a married man invite a lady into his house and then kill her?  It was also meant as a distraction, keep our thoughts on the good (Phil Spector getting married) not the bad (Phil Spector is a murderer). No I’m not saying I believe him to be guilty, the general public is. What the marriage wasn’t based upon was love.  There was not a meeting of the minds were they talked about religion, politics and music. There was no love at first sight.  It was all a strategy to change the general perception of Phil Spector at the time.  Anyone who knew the truth was quickly shown the door.

Of course Rachelle had some terms before she agreed to anything.  She wanted her first album to be produce by Phil Spector or at list have permission to use his name.  What was probably going through my father’s mind at the time was “let her believe what she wants, once I’m free her ass is out the door.”  Things didn’t go as planned for my father but for Rachelle they couldn’t have worked out more perfectly. 

The first thing for her to do was separate her new husband from his friends and of course his family.  She had me removed from the family side of the courtroom so it would seem I was against my father as I sat with the supporters of the Clarkson’s family.  She also had my father believe my brother was selling one of Dad’s old records to make money off his name when in fact, Gary was just bringing the item in question to our father’s attention.   Furthermore, she claimed I testified against my father when in fact, I did not. 

How she was able to do all this?  It’s easy, my father is a very paranoid person to begin with.  It was his closest friends that usually protected my father and guided him.  He looked to them, George Brand mostly, for insurance of his actions.  Without them, my father did whatever he wanted not thinking ahead.  Had George been there, he would have told Dad “Shut the Fuck Up” but without George, Dad said whatever he wanted as often as he wanted usually ending up putting his foot in his mouth.   

Rachelle took an opportunity of an old man she knew was heading to jail.   And now, she would have all you believe she is a famous person with much titles to her name.  In each interview she did, she did not hesitate to inform the public of her pilot license that she got so that she could visit her husband at list once a week.   What she didn’t know was that planes have a tracking device on them.  If you don’t set it on private, you can follow a person’s flying path.  By doing so, I realized she doesn’t fly as much as she would have you think she does, and she hardly uses her plane to visit her husband, why would she when she can fly to Las Vegas instead. She has since changed her sittings to private but I’m sure her flying patterns have not changed.   Also, according to her Facebook page, she has more than 45 thousand fans but the majority live in Egypt.  For those who didn’t know, you can buy “fan’s” and “likes” on Facebook.  Yes it’s going to cost you a pretty penny, but she has more than enough of Dad’s money to do so. 

I could go on about her lies, but I think you get the point of why I don’t like Rachelle.  She is not the person she would have you believe she is, but I can’t blame her entirely.  Dad plays a part in all this, he just doesn’t know what part that is.   
this is just a video I made.  It is my perception of how I see Rachelle Spector